Best Respiratory Doctor in Kent and south-east

Dr. Rahuldeb Sarkar Kent Respiratory Consultant

Dr Sarkar has had a decade of experience of working as a consultant physician in respiratory medicine and critical care within the National Health Services after completing post-graduate training initially in Liverpool and then in the south-east of England. He treats wide variety of respiratory conditions and takes a particular interest in managing patients with breathlessness. He also manages critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units with multi-organ failure.

His patients would usually say that one of the emphasis in his style of care is to explain the disease process and treatment strategy to the patient in a way that they can understand fully.

He also has been trained in clinical epidemiology at
Harvard University, obtaining an understanding of research methodology and causality of disease. He has a diverse research portfolio and has published in leading journals.

Dr Sarkar has held multiple teaching positions within the hospital both for post-graduate and undergraduate trainees and held Regional Advisor position for the Faculty of intensive Care Medicine.