Best Respiratory Doctor in Kent and south-east

Academic Output

Dr Sarkar is a dedicated medical professional and researcher committed to advancing healthcare through academic excellence. His contribution to the medical field includes research publications, clinical studies, and educational initiatives.

Dr Sarkar, alongside his clinical and teaching activities,has been part of multiple research projects involving multicentre clinical trials, machine learning projects and also has been involved in developing certain assay techniques. Some of his publications and presentations are outlined below.

Clinical Training

Dr Sarkar has gained Certification of Completion in Training from the GMC in respiratory medicine, intensive care medicine and genaral internal medicine following his post-graduate training in the UK. He completed post-graduate examination from the Royal College of Physicians. He currently is an examiner for multiple post-graduate examinations.

Training in Public Health

He also has been trained in clinical epidemiology at the Harvard University, obtaining a Masters in Public Health, gaining understanding in research methodology and causality of disease. He has a diverse research portfolio and has published in leading journals.

Teaching Commitments

Dr Sarkar has held multiple teaching positions, both for post- graduate and undergraduate trainees and held Regional Advisor position for the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine for Kent,Surrey and Sussex. He has held an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturar position in King's College, London.